Accounting Services


Accounting services is a division under AGD which is responsible for monitoring of Budget Implementation, Production of Public Financial Reports and making sure that there is total compliance to Public Finance Laws and Regulations.

Apart from Accounting Services, there is also Pay Services division in the same department that is entrusted with making all transactions done by government which includes Payment of Salaries, Pensions and Gratuities, Remittances, Civil Servants Loans and settlement of Compensation Claims. Through these two divisions, Accounting and Pay Services, AGD have achieved accountability and Transparency to National Assembly through timely production of Financial Reporting and have managed to use electronic means to make payments; Salaries, Pensions and remittances.

Core Functions of the division

  • The division is responsible for processing of all government payments.
  • Receiving payment vouchers from MDAs and process all the payments using EFT

How the division operates

The front office receives payment vouchers from MDAs and after checking them, they are forwarded to Pre-audit for pre-auditing. Later, they are forwarded to cheque printing section where cheques are printed. The cheques are thereafter signed by the responsible officers. Finally, they are dispatched to MDAs by the dispatch office. Our clients are all MDAs.


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